Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Double Slopper

The Double Slopper
Bubba's Burgers
Hanelai Bay, Kauai

Okay, So I know that this is not exactly an Australian burger but I feel that it it important to try burgers from around the world so here is the first international burger rating!  I couldn't think of a more fitting contender than the Double Slopper.  Truth be told, I had to go to the doctors following this burger because it did bad things to my digestive tract.......but we are here to talk taste!
Pros - This burger was all about excessive flavour and it had it in spades! An open faced double cheese burger covered in chilli con carne and topped with raw onion....It even came with a serve of water crackers although I'm not sure why.  The bun was tasty, the patty  was well seasoned and the cheese perfectly melted.  Even the chilli was very good.
Cons - The raw onion was a bit much and the amount of food on the plate was excessive even by american standards.
Price was $7.50US
This was an experience and entirely worth the pain....It was impressive in its vision! 

Double Slopper 8/10

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